əməkdaslarının elmi isləri
Elektron kitabxana
Konfranslar İnformasiya Sistemi
UOT 004
ITI əməkdaşlarının elmi işləri - tezis |
Biblioqrafik təsvir | Mammadova , M.H. Prognosing Hepatocellular Carcinoma Based on a National Database Using Machine Learning Algorithms / M.H. Mammadova , Z.G. Jabrayilova , L. Garayeva // 9th International Conference on Control and Optimization With Industrial Applications. - Istanbul, 2024. - P. 108-113. | Annotasiya | This article presents a technique for prognosing the
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), also known as liver cancer,
with the application of HCC machine learning algorithms based
on available national database. Within the framework of the
proposed technique, the MICE algorithm is applied to impute
the missing values in the national HCC database, and the
transition of data from this database into the HCC Dataset
(with known prediction results) taken from the Kaggle site stage
by stage in order to obtain prognosis according to the clinical
data. Comparison and retrospective analysis of an accuracy
criterion of the result obtained from applying Random Forest
and XGBClassification to the Extended HCC Dataset enables
XGBClassification to perform better. The effectiveness of the
proposed technique is determined by the possibility of obtaining
prognostic results according to the condition of clinical patients
by forming a more perfect database as a result of imputing the
missing values in the national database and transferring these
data to the expanded database in parts. | | Elektron variant | Elektron variant |