ITI əməkdaslarının elmi isləri Elektron kitabxana Konfranslar İnformasiya Sistemi Qəzetlər UOT 004
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ITI əməkdaşlarının elmi işləri - tezis

 Biblioqrafik təsvir
 Mamedova , M.H. Decision-making based on information in medical media resources / M.H. Mamedova , Z.G. Jabrayilova , N. Shikhaliyeva // 5th International Conference on Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics. - Baku, 2023. - P. 1-3.
 The article proposes an approach for decision-making based on the information gathered from the medical social media environment. It develops an algorithm based on sentiment analysis and machine learning methods through the Valence Aware Dictionary and Sentiment Reasoner approach to select the best clinic based on patient reviews collected in medical media resources. The results of the experiment on patient reviews are presented in the cms_hospital_satisfaction_2020 database by the Kaggle company.
 Elektron variant
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