ITI əməkdaslarının elmi isləri Elektron kitabxana Konfranslar İnformasiya Sistemi Qəzetlər UOT 004
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ITI əməkdaşlarının elmi işləri - tezis

 Biblioqrafik təsvir
 Mamedova , M.H. Knowledge transformation in the intelligent system for hepatocellular carcinoma staging / M.H. Mamedova , Z.G. Jabrayilova // Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Application. - Baku, 2022. - P. 318-320.
 This article discusses the creation of an intelligent system to provide doctors with accurate information about the stage of the disease to select the diagnosis and treatment methods of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and highlights the solution of problems of transformation of natural knowledge into artificial one. One of the main components of the system is the knowledge base, and the transformation mechanisms (rules) were developed according to the standard schemes of clinical conditions and critical situations.
 Elektron variant
Elektron variant

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