ITI əməkdaslarının elmi isləri Elektron kitabxana Konfranslar İnformasiya Sistemi Qəzetlər UOT 004
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ITI əməkdaşlarının elmi işləri - tezis

 Biblioqrafik təsvir
 Mahmudova , S.J. Human Phase Intelligence Communication Cyberspahe: Human Communication in Computer Interface Design of Human Phase in the phical intellengence humanist / S.J. Mahmudova // Human Phase Intelligence Communication. - Paris, 2019. - P. 1-31.
 One of the most important tasks of intelligent information security systems(IISS) automated data processing systems(ADPS)is the task of building intelligent systems of physical protection of information (ISPP).Atpresent,the task of building ISPP is urgent,requiring systematic and regular decisions on an ongoing basis. Atpresent,there are a lot of mathematical models and practical approaches to solving the problem of the effective functioning of physical protection systems.Methodology.One interesting approach to this problem are: 1)an integrated approach to developama the matical model of the operation of physical protection systems (Ignat"ev,2012;Godyrevaidr.,2007;2)multiagentsystem (MAS)andtechnology (MAS-technology)(Shreider,Borovskii,2017;Smirnov i dr.,2018;Gorodetskii i dr.,2017;Tarasov,2010;Zubarevaidr.,2016).However,analysis of the regulatory basis of physical security,conducted by(Filippov,2017)shows that the methodology for categorizing,analyzing threats and vulnerabilities differ vagueness of the conceptual apparatus and the lack of a unified terminological approach.Inaddition,the stresses thatthe analysis ofthreats often do not consider the connection between vulnerability and ofending patterns.Not compile database of current security threats and vulnerabilities.Result Finding and FGRs Implementation However,itshould benoted thatthe system of physical protection of critical infrastructureis large lydependentonthequality of the selectionmeans of physicalprotection,andin(Yannikovidr.,2017)proposed,developed with the help of MS SQL Server Express database"means the physical protection of critical infrastructure."Practice shows that the design methodology ISFZ built by differen tdevelopers on different methodological foundations,which is dictated by different departments ADPS.Accordingly,in this paper formulated the task of building intelligent systems of physical protection of information on the basis of system-conceptual approach (Simavoryanidr.,2013;Gerasimenko,Malyuk,1997)worked out some aspects of its system solutions.
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