ITI əməkdaslarının elmi isləri Elektron kitabxana Konfranslar İnformasiya Sistemi Qəzetlər UOT 004
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ITI əməkdaşlarının elmi işləri - tezis

 Biblioqrafik təsvir
 Alekberov , R.K. Selection issues of cloudlets in mobile cloud computing / R.K. Alekberov , O.R. Alekperov // The 6th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications. - Bakı, 2018. - P. 50-52.
 The article analyzes the advantages of mobile cloud technologies and problems emerging during the use of those. The network infrastructre created based on cloudlets at the second level of mobile cloud computing with hierarchical structure is analyzed. At the same time, the article explores the issues of satisfaction if demand of mobile equipment for computing and memory resources by using these technologies.The key factors affecting the efficient use of cloud services in mobile cloud computing are analyzed.
 Elektron variant
Elektron variant

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