ITI əməkdaslarının elmi isləri Elektron kitabxana Konfranslar İnformasiya Sistemi Qəzetlər UOT 004
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ITI əməkdaşlarının elmi işləri - məqalə

 Biblioqrafik təsvir
 Alguliyev , R.M. Conceptual Model of Language Ecosystem in the Electronic Government: the case of Azerbaijan / R.M. Alguliyev , R.M. Aliguliyev , F.F. Yusifov // Artificial Societies and Information Technologies. - 2024. - N: Vol.19 Special Issue.- P. 1-18.
 This article studies conceptual bases of Azerbaijani language ecosystem formation in the e-government. The digital age, characterized by the development of technology and benefits of the Internet, threatens the preservation of linguistic diversity. Technological revolutions, disasters, pandemics, wars and rapid changes in the demographic situation in the world lead to the destruction of language ecosystems and the disappearance of language diversity. In this regard, protection of language diversity has become one of the urgent issues in the rapidly globalizing world under the influence of information technologies. Therefore, protection of the Azerbaijani language and development of various language services on the e-government platform is one of the relevant issues. Intellectual methods, algorithms and applications must be developed in order to make national languages an integral part of e-government and to ensure the natural development of this platform on all segments. The article examines approaches, views and initiatives related to the impact of globalization on the linguistic-cultural space and language processes. Effects on languages of peoples of the world in the digital age and innovations caused by digitization were analyzed, an overview of related works was conducted, and problems of the Azerbaijani language in online environment were indicated. Issues of the preservation of language diversity and application of linguistic technologies in egovernment have been studied. The study shows the necessity of creating different language services for the formation of the Azerbaijani language ecosystem. The article proposes approaches regarding the formation of Azerbaijani language ecosystem on egovernment platform and indicates complex issues to be solved by application of linguistic technologies.
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