əməkdaslarının elmi isləri
Elektron kitabxana
Konfranslar İnformasiya Sistemi
UOT 004
ITI əməkdaşlarının elmi işləri - məqalə |
Biblioqrafik təsvir | Qasimova , R.T. Analysis of demographic characteristics based on data of social network users / R.T. Qasimova // Problems of Information Society. - 2022. - N: 2. - P. 73-83. | Annotasiya | The main goal of the state policy in the field of demography is to ensure the growth of
population reproduction in accordance with the country’s development strategy by
eliminating negative trends in demographic processes. Demographic processes can be
assessed by country, region and district. In this regard, demographic surveys can be conducted
at the state, regional and individual levels. The implementation of an effective demographic
policy in the country is an integral part of the e-government system. The article is devoted to
the analysis of demographic characteristics based on the data of social network users. The
spread of the Internet and digital technologies has created new opportunities for demographic
research. To this end, the article analyzes demography as a field of multidisciplinary research
and shows the importance of data collected in social networks for demographic research. This
includes the use of data collected in the analytical systems of social networking services as a
new source of information for demographic research. The article discusses foreign experience
and current scientific and practical studies in the field of electronic demography, identifies
current areas of research and analyzes their state-of-the-art. The paper explores the social
network analysis systems and their classification by characteristics. | Elektron variant | Elektron variant |