əməkdaslarının elmi isləri
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Konfranslar İnformasiya Sistemi
UOT 004
ITI əməkdaşlarının elmi işləri - məqalə |
Biblioqrafik təsvir | Alguliyev , R.M. Corporate Information System « Educational Center» / R.M. Alguliyev , T.H. Kazimov , S.J. Mahmudova , R.S. Mahmudova // International Journal of Social. - 2007. - N: 8.- P. 404-408. | Annotasiya | The given work is devoted to the description of
Information Technologies NAS of Azerbaijan created and
successfully maintained in Institute. On the basis of the decision of
board of the Supreme Certifying commission at the President of the
Azerbaijan Republic and Presidium of National Academy of
Sciences of the Azerbaijan Republic, the organization of training
courses on Computer Sciences for all post-graduate students and
dissertators of the republic, taking of examinations of candidate
minima, it was on-line entrusted to Institute of Information
Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.
Therefore, teaching the computer sciences to post-graduate
students and dissertators a scientific - methodological manual on
effective application of new information technologies for research
works by post-graduate students and dissertators and taking of
candidate minima is carried out in the Educational Center.
Information and communication technologies offer new
opportunities and prospects of their application for teaching and
training. The new level of literacy demands creation of essentially
new technology of obtaining of scientific knowledge. Methods of
training and development, social and professional requirements,
globalization of the communicative economic and political projects
connected with construction of a new society, depends on a level of
application of information and communication technologies in the
educational process. Computer technologies develop ideas of
programmed training, open completely new, not investigated
technological ways of training connected to unique opportunities of
modern computers and telecommunications. Computer technologies
of training are processes of preparation and transfer of the
information to the trainee by means of computer. Scientific and
technical progress as well as global spread of the technologies
created in the most developed countries of the world is the main
proof of the leading role of education in XXI century. Information
society needs individuals having modern knowledge. In practice, all
technologies, using special technical information means (computer,
audio, video) are called information technologies of education. | Elektron variant | Yoxdur |