əməkdaslarının elmi isləri
Elektron kitabxana
Konfranslar İnformasiya Sistemi
UOT 004
ITI əməkdaşlarının elmi işləri - məqalə |
Biblioqrafik təsvir | Mahmudova , S.J. Program engineering in Azerbaijan / S.J. Mahmudova , T.A. Bayramova // IJMCTR International Journal of Modern Communication Technologies & Research. - 2014. - N: vol.2, iss.10. - P. 5-7. | Annotasiya | The establishment and development stages of program engineering in Azerbaijan are provided. As a result of continuing and sustainable development policy of Azerbaijan in current stage, information-communication systems development are described. The works to be carried out for program engineering to gain a specific importance in the economy and the problems in this sphere are specified. | Elektron variant | Elektron variant |