ITI əməkdaslarının elmi isləri Elektron kitabxana Konfranslar İnformasiya Sistemi Qəzetlər UOT 004
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ITI əməkdaşlarının elmi işləri - məqalə

 Biblioqrafik təsvir
 Alguliyev , R.M. Elaboration Development Strategy and the Analysis of Trends Shaping the Information Economy in Azerbaijan on the Basis of the Experience of Foreign Countries / R.M. Alguliyev , A.G. Aliyev // World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic and Management Engineering . - 2015. - N: 3, Vol.9. - P. 935-938.
 In the paper, information on economic development trends in developed countries are analyzed. The current status of information society and economy of the country is reviewed and some recommendations are given for future development. The problems of Information Society and establishment of its innovative economy are studied. In this turn, development trends information economy in developed countries are analyzed.
 Elektron variant
Elektron variant

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