ITI əməkdaslarının elmi isləri Elektron kitabxana Konfranslar İnformasiya Sistemi Qəzetlər UOT 004
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ITI əməkdaşlarının elmi işləri - məqalə

 Biblioqrafik təsvir
 Mamedova , M.H. Application of Fuzzy Time Series to Population Forecasting / M.H. Mamedova // The Turkish Journal of Population Studies. Hacettepe Institute of Population Studies.. - 2002. - N: Vol. 24. - P. 37-49.
 The potential of fuzzy logic application in simulating of demographic processes by the example of population forecasting task has been investigated. The particularities of population as dynamical system functioning under the condition of uncertainty have been examined and fuzzy statement problem has been suggested. The strategy of population forecasting using the method of fuzzy time series model has been proposed. The simulations on retrospective evaluation of population are carried out and on the base of the results of these simulations the conclusion avocet the effectiveness of utilization of fuzzy model for demographic forecasting has been model.
 Elektron variant
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