ITI əməkdaslarının elmi isləri Elektron kitabxana Konfranslar İnformasiya Sistemi Qəzetlər UOT 004
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ITI əməkdaşlarının elmi işləri - kitab

 Biblioqrafik təsvir
Alguliyev , R.M. E-government formation challenges and solution perspectives / R.M. Alguliyev , F.F. Yusifov . - USA : E-Systems for the 21st Century: Concept, Developments, and Applications, 2016. - 26 p. - ISBN ?
 During a review of practice of leading countries it is revealed that, existing e-government projects have different objectives and different models, conceptual approaches are suggested by executive institutions, organizations for the development of e-government. By considering this fact, the inspection of research conducted in direction of e-government establishment in international practice is remarkably necessary. It is clear that, having covered all spheres of the society, the scientific-research works on e-government are timely for several scientific spheres. From this point of view, development of scientific-theoretical principles of forming of e-government is of great importance. By considering the international practice in research, some up-to-date scientific-theoretical problems of forming of e-government has been researched. Some conceptual and architectural principles of e-government forming were inspected and some suggestions were made. The assessment and monitoring of forming of e-government, intellectual analysis of web-resources and the provision of information security, e-democracy and digital citizen issues were researched, conceptual approaches and solutions were suggested. Important research directions were specified by considering the main principles of e-government theory.
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